Deputy Darryl Jouett, (kick-named by the kids as “D.J.”) has become a part of the Southgate Public School family with ease over the first two weeks of school. Students have decorated his door with welcome drawings and he has made starting the new School Resource Program look like a simple task. This week he has begun visiting the individual grades to better explain his role to the kids and to take questions. We couldn’t be prouder of Deputy Jouett and his commitment to the program.

SRO Deputy Jouett visiting the kindergarten kids and answering questions.
A decorated door to his office makes D.J. feel welcome.

The SRO Team at Southgate Public School.
Left to Right: Principal Shannon Hansman, SRO Darryl Jouett, Leo the Lion, Chief Deputy Ken Fecher (SRO Supervisor and backup SRO) and Superintendent Greg Duty.